January 2010
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The CANSI Arc’teryx Uniforms are on their way. After some challenging supply and logistical problems, the new CANSI uniforms by Arc’teryx are starting to ship.
The uniform pieces were selected to provide maximum versatility, and are applicable to many different skiing and teaching situations.
I tested the hard shell layered with the soft shell this past weekend, and was impressed with the quality, functionality, and appearance of the new Arc’teryx uniform.
Telemark Ski Ontario & Ski Telemark Ltd. are pleased to present the 2010 Race Series.
- Sunday January 17 - Caledon Ski Club
- Sunday February 14 - Alpine Ski Club
- Sunday March 14 - Devil’s Glen Country Club
Classes for all ages - Fun for all -
Early Bird Registration by Jan 17, 2010.
Plus Telemark Training Camps
Saturday Jan 16 - Caledon Ski Club
Saturday, March 13 - Devil’s Glen Country Club
Download Race Poster: RACEPOSTER2010TSO.pdf
Download Entry Form: STTSO10EBR.pdf or for more info and registration visit www.skitelemark.ca
The meeting points for the Telemark Seminar are :
Day 1 (January 6, 2010) : Chalet des Voyageurs* at 8:30 AM.
Day 2 (January 7, 2010) : Green lifts light board on the summit at 9:30 AM.
The meeting point for the Telemark Professional Development Day is :
Day 1 (January 8, 2010) : Chalet des Voyageurs* at 8:30 AM.
The meeting point for the XC Professional Development Day is :
Day 1 (January 8, 2010) : Accueil St-Bernard** at 9:00 AM.
The meeting points for the XC Seminar are :
Day 1 (January 9, 2010) : Accueil St-Bernard** at 8:30 AM.
Day 2 (January 10, 2010) : Accueil St-Bernard** at 8:30 AM.
* The Chalet des Voyageurs is located just right of the base of the Cabriolet lift on the South side of Tremblant. Members who registered before noon on January 4, 2010 will pick up their discounted lift tickets then.
** Ski de fond Mont-Tremblant Centre de services St-Bernard : http://www.skidefondmont-tremblant.com/en/services-st-bernard.php