November 2011

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National Seminar January 9-13, 2012 - register today! Posted on Nov 15th, 2011

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CANSI’s annual National Seminar will be held in the Eastern Townships of Quebec from January 9 to 13, 2012 and is open to all CANSI members.

The National Seminar encourages instructors and Course Conductors from across Canada to meet and improve their ability to satisfy customers.

  • January 9-11, 2012: Telemark Seminar at Ski Bromont
  • January 11, 2012 evening: CANSI National AGM
  • January 11-13, 2012: Cross-Country Seminar at Parc Mont-Orford

  • Accommodations, breakfast and supper will be at the Centre d’Arts Orford. We have exclusive use of a 32-room pavilion with 2 single beds per room at the great rate of $30 per person per night. Breakfast ($9) and supper ($17) will be served in a licensed dining room by an award-winning chef. The dining room is a short walk from our Pavilion. Lunch is available at the venue ($12). Lift tickets at SkiBromont are available at the discounted rate of $30 per day. Access to the X-C venue at Mont Orford Park cost approximately $15 per day.

    CANSI XC Level I, II, III and Level IV, and CANSI Telemark Level I, II and III instructors can register on-line: XC and Telemark
    Other CANSI members interested in attending, please email before December 31, 2011

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