October 2017

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Tribute to Charles Blair Posted on Oct 26th, 2017

pix_CharlesBlair-1.4.jpgIt is with a profound sense of loss that we announce the sudden passing of our friend and colleague Charles Blair. Charles died of a heart attack while visiting with his daughter in Atlanta, Georgia. He was preparing for a winter of teaching skiing in Japan. All of us at CANSI are shocked and saddened by this sudden turn of events.

To know Charles was to love Charles, for he had the special ability to connect instantly with 
anyone he met. His dry sense of humour made it impossible not to laugh at some point in every conversation shared with him. His outwardly bookish appearance disguised a determined and dedicated athlete, student and teacher. The achievement of the CANSI Telemark Level III certification did not come easily for Charles, but his tenacity and perseverance allowed him to achieve this prestigious honour in 2013. All of those who skied with Charles know how much the achievement meant to him.


Ontario XC Courses 2017-2018 Posted on Oct 26th, 2017


Thanks to Wendy Grater, Paul Graner, Jay Thibert, Jean Pierre Lavoie, Cameron Smith, Peter Rasberry, Clare Magee, David Wallin and Jan Vopalensky we are pleased to offer you this winter 21 cross-country course over 18 events and at 4 locations in both Southern and Eastern Ontario.

You can find and register for these courses on the CANSI Courses page or by viewing  2017-2018 CANSI Ontario XC Courses Schedule  table with the links to courses. 


Renew your CANSI Membership now Posted on Oct 3rd, 2017

It’s snowing in the West of the country! Start your 2017-2018 season today and renew your CANSI membership!

Click here to renew, and read on to review your benefits as a member.
